Source code for poplar_oeaddlne.OE1100_oe_add_line

# OE1100
Insert a new OE line following the insert of a line with a particular item.

Part of an introductory training to Extender.  Learn more at

| author: Chris Binckly
| email:
| copyright: 2665093 Ontario Inc., 2019

This file is provided under a Creative Commons 4 Sharealike license.
See for details.
    from accpac import *
except ImportError:
    UI = object
    # Outside the Extender env this fails, allow it to pass for sphinx/unittest

ITEM = "A1-103/0"
"""The item number that triggers the new line."""

NEW_ITEM_NUM = "A1-105/0"
"""The item number to insert."""

"""The item quantity to insert."""

NEW_ITEM_LINETYPE = 1 # Regular Item
"""The item line type to insert."""

[docs]def main(args): """Executed by VI when the screen is loaded. Create our UI.""" AddOELneUI()
[docs]class AddOeLneUI(UI): """A UI that monitors the order details and inserts a new line. This UI class makes no changes to the OE1100 screen, it simply monitors and writes to the Data Sources connected to it. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() # Open the order details data source self.adsOEORDD = self.openDataSource("adsOEORDD") # Assign the AfterInsert callback function self.adsOEORDD.onAfterInsert = self.adsOEORDDonAfterInsert # The UI must be shown, even though it doesn't change visuals.
[docs] def adsOEORDDonAfterInsert(self): """If the item inserted was ``ITEM``, add a new line. :raises: None :rtype: None """ # Get the item number that was inserted. item = self.adsOEORDD.get("ITEM") if item.strip() == ITEM: # showMessageBox("Item {} inserted".format(ITEM)) # Generate a new record. rg = self.adsOEORDD.recordGenerate() if rg != 0: showMessageBox("Unable to generate new record.") return # Put the values for ``NEW_ITEM`` pi = self.adsOEORDD.put("ITEM", NEW_ITEM_NUM) pq = self.adsOEORDD.put("QTYORDERED", NEW_ITEM_QTY) pl = self.adsOEORDD.put("LINETYPE", 1) if sum([pi, pq, pl, ]) > 0: showMessageBox("Unable to generate new record.") return # Insert it i = self.adsOEORDD.insert() if i != 0: showMessageBox("Unable to insert record.")