Custom Tables for Item Mappings

The screen script solution does what we need but is limited in that the item mappings are hard-coded. The user cannot add new mappings themselves and if there are many then keeping them in the source becomes unwieldy.

Enter Extender’s Custom Tables. They make it easy to store, retrieve, and update tables specific to your customization in the database.

Assume for now that each Item will only ever map to one other. We can define a database table, OEADDLNE.VIITMMAP, to allow the user to manage the mappings.

Designing the Table Schema

Before creating a table it needs a schema. The correct fields and keys (which are also indexes) need to be identified. Every item only maps to one other, we can use the trigger item as a key.

When thinking about keys, think about how you access the data. If you always use two fields together to retrieve from a table, be sure to add a compound key on those fields.

We need the same fields as we had view script parameters, so the following should do:

Table name: VIITMMAP
    - TRIGITEM (str): item that triggers the new line
    - NEWITEM (str): the item to insert
    - QTYORDERED (bcd): the quantity ordered
    - (TRIGITEM, )

Creating the Table Schema

The table schema will be embedded in the module file. You have two options for creating it: interactively with the Custom Tables tool or writing it by hand in the modules file.

Using Custom Tables

This is the best way to start. Once you get the hang of it you can craft them by hand.

To use the Custom Tables tool, start by creating a module:

  1. Navigate to Extender -> Setup -> Modules
  2. Insert a new row using the module name (OEADLNE)

Define the custom table:

  1. Navigate to Extender -> Setup -> Custom Tables
  2. Set the table name to OEADDLNE.VIITMMAP
  3. Define the fields. Use accpacViewInfo or the extender enquiries to find the correct field names, finder information, and description lookups.
  4. Add the key in the Keys tab.
  5. Save the table.

Now that the table is defined you can export the module from the Modules screen and the table definition will be included.

Crafting by Hand

After a while you’ll be able to write table definitions by hand. To start, this is what is automatically generated on module export:

desc=Add an OE Order Line after a particular item is added.
company=2665093 Ontario Inc


desc=Trigger item number

desc=Item number to insert



Simply add the SCRIPT block and we have a full module.

Adding Entries to the Table

Adding entries is easy using the Extender -> Setup -> Custom Table Editor. Simply open the editor, open the OEADDLNE.VIITMMAP table, and start adding.

For now, try to add the item we know about, A1-103/0 -> A1-105/0@1.

Adding the Lookup to the Script

Now we just need to replace out hard coded values with a lookup from our custom table. Custom tables are accessed through the view layer. Instead of opening them based on the View ID (i.e. VI0107), always access them by module qualified table name. There is no guarantee that your table will always have the same roto, so don’t use it.

Because TRIGITEM is our key field, we will use it to look up the mapping. The lookup will go something like this:

view = openView("OEADDLNE.VIITMMAP")
view.put("TRIGITEM", itemno)
r =

Extender functions return 0 on success, so if r is 0 then there is a mapping for itemno and the view has read it in. Any other return indicates that itemno is not a trigger item and no action is required.

from accpac import *

class OeAddLineUI(UI):
    """A UI customization that monitors the order details for a trigger
    item being inserted and adds a new line."""

    def __init__(self):

        # Open the data source
        self.adsOEORDD = self.openDataSource("adsOEORDD")

        # Open the custom table.
        self.viitmmap = openView("OEADDLNE.VIITMMAP")

        # Assign the onAfter callback to the *function*
        self.adsOEORDD.onAfterInsert = self.adsOEORDDonAfterInsert

    def get_trigger(self, itemno):
        """Get the trigger information for this item number from the table.

        :param itemno: item number to loopkup trigger information for
        :type itemno: str
        :rtype: list
            - If the item number is not in the map table: []
            - if the item number is in the table: [newitem, qtyordered]

        rc = self.viitmmap.recordClear()
        pt = self.viitmmap.put("TRIGITEM", itemno)
        r  =

        if r != 0 or pt != 0 or rc != 0:
            return []

        return [self.viitmmap.get("NEWITEM"),
                self.viitmmap.get("QTYORDERED"), ]

    def adsOEORDDonAfterInsert(self, result):
        """After updating, if the item is "A1-103/0", insert a new line."""

        # Check if the item matches an item in the custom table map :
        # trigger will be [newitem, qty] if it does, [] (False) if it
        # doesn't.
        trigger = self.get_trigger(me.get("ITEM"))
        if trigger:

            # Generate a new record in the view
            rc = me.recordClear()
            rg = me.recordGenerate()

            if rc != 0 or rg != 0:
                showMessageBox("Failed to generate new line.")

            # Populate the record
            pi = me.put("ITEM", trigger[0])
            pq = me.put("QTYORDERED", trigger[1])

            if pi != 0 or pq != 0:
                showMessageBox("Failed to put values in new line.")

            # Save the record
            sv = me.insert()

            if sv != 0:
                showMessageBox("Failed to save new line.")

        return None

def main(*args, **kwargs):
    ui = OeAddLineUI()

Done. The custom table is now intergated with the script. The user can add and manage as many mappings as they’d like with the custom table editor.

That’s all for now, just a few things to close out…