Building the Screen Script

A screen script it is. It will attach to the OE1100 Order Entry screen. On insert of a new detail line, it needs to:

  1. Check if the operation was successful.
  2. Check if the item matches “A1-103/0”.
  3. Generate a new record in the view.
  4. Populate the record with the Item “A1-105/0” Qty 1.
  5. Save the record.

Import accpac and Scaffold

All scripts start the same, import all members of

from accpac import *


Importing * is generally not a good idea, you don’t know what is being pulled into the namespace. You can import only the things you need, plus some extras, with a little trial and error.

Because this is a screen script, we must create a new instance of the accpac.UI class, initialize its parent, and tell it to .show() itself. To get a custom UI or change going, create a subclass.

from accpac import *

class OeAddLineUI(UI):
    """A UI customization that monitors the order details for a trigger
    item being inserted and adds a new line."""

    def __init__(self):

def main(*args, **kwargs):
    ui = OeAddLineUI()

When working with screens Extender exposes accpac.UIDatasource objects. These act very similar to views. They allow access to the data sources underlying the current screen. Data sources are always composed with one another, making coordinated access easy.

Datasources are opened using their unique Module Name. Module names can be found using the RotoID for the program (O/E Order Entry in our case - OE1100) and looking up the details in accpacInfo.

A little digging reveals that the datasource module id for Order Details is adsOEORDD. Open a datasource using UI.openDataSource(module_id).

from accpac import *

class OeAddLineUI(UI):
    """A UI customization that monitors the order details for a trigger
    item being inserted and adds a new line."""

    def __init__(self):

        # Open the data source
        self.adsOEORDD = self.openDataSource("adsOEORDD")

def main(*args, **kwargs):
    ui = OeAddLineUI()

Now we need to decide which events to listen to, do we need to check the record before or after insert? Before the operation occurs we can’t know whether it was successful and it may fail. If we were to act before a successful operation we may create new lines when the triggering line failed.

onAfter seems the correct choice. Assign a call back function to the onAfterInsert attribute of the adsOEORDD datasource.

from accpac import *

class OeAddLineUI(UI):
    """A UI customization that monitors the order details for a trigger
    item being inserted and adds a new line."""

    def __init__(self):

        # Open the data source
        self.adsOEORDD = self.openDataSource("adsOEORDD")

        # Assign the onAfter callback to the *function*
        self.adsOEORDD.onAfterInsert = self.adsOEORDDonAfterInsert

    def adsOEORDDonAfterInsert(self, result):
        """After updating, if the item is "A1-103/0", insert a new line."""
        # Check if the item matches

        # Generate a new record in the view

        # Populate the record

        # Save the record

def main(*args, **kwargs):
    ui = OeAddLineUI()

Implement the onAfter call

The accpac.UIDatasource.onAfterInsert callback does not receive arguments and is only triggered on a successful insert. Now we need to see if the item matches. Use the .get(field) method on the datasource to get the current value. Field names can be found by looking them up using the Extender View Info Inquiry or using the Sage accpacViewInfo utility.

from accpac import *

class OeAddLineUI(UI):
    """A UI customization that monitors the order details for a trigger
    item being inserted and adds a new line."""

    def __init__(self):

        # Open the data source
        self.adsOEORDD = self.openDataSource("adsOEORDD")

        # Assign the onAfter callback to the *function*
        self.adsOEORDD.onAfterInsert = self.adsOEORDDonAfterInsert

    def adsOEORDDonAfterInsert(self, result):
        """After updating, if the item is "A1-103/0", insert a new line."""

        # Check if the item matches
        if self.adsOEORDD.get("ITEM") == "A1-103/0":

        # Generate a new record in the view

        # Populate the record

        # Save the record

def main(*args, **kwargs):
    ui = OeAddLineUI()

Generating a new line is generally accomplished by running two operations on the datasource. The first, .recordClear() resets the state of the datasource. The second, .recordGenerate(), creates a new record in the datasource. Both return 0 when successful.

What should happen if these operations fail? There is always a silent option, but then the user may be confused as to why the line doesn’t isn’t created when they expect it to.

Extender provides a number of ways to notify. The first is using the showMessage(str), showWarning(str), showError(str) method. These put messages on the error stack for Sage to display. They may not be displayed immediately, which can be helpful for situtations where errors may occur in bulk (such as during an import). They also provide levels and a familiar interace.

The second is to use showMessageBox(str) which will pop up a dialog immediately. This is generally a better option for things the user needs to know now and for any debugging you need. Show a message box to the user on failure.

from accpac import *

class OeAddLineUI(UI):
    """A UI customization that monitors the order details for a trigger
    item being inserted and adds a new line."""

    def __init__(self):

        # Open the data source
        self.adsOEORDD = self.openDataSource("adsOEORDD")

        # Assign the onAfter callback to the *function*
        self.adsOEORDD.onAfterInsert = self.adsOEORDDonAfterInsert

    def adsOEORDDonAfterInsert(self, result):
        """After updating, if the item is "A1-103/0", insert a new line."""

        # Check if the item matches
        if self.adsOEORDD.get("ITEM") == "A1-103/0":

            # Generate a new record in the view
            rc = self.adsOEORDD.recordClear()
            rg = self.adsOEORDD.recordGenerate()

            if rc != 0 or rg != 0:
                showMessageBox("Failed to generate new line.")

            # Populate the record

            # Save the record

def main(*args, **kwargs):
    ui = OeAddLineUI()

Now we just need to populate the record and save it. Set fields in the current record by using .put(field, value). Once populated, use .insert() to add write it to the database. These operations also return 0 on success.

from accpac import *

class OeAddLineUI(UI):
    """A UI customization that monitors the order details for a trigger
    item being inserted and adds a new line."""

    def __init__(self):

        # Open the data source
        self.adsOEORDD = self.openDataSource("adsOEORDD")

        # Assign the onAfter callback to the *function*
        self.adsOEORDD.onAfterInsert = self.adsOEORDDonAfterInsert

    def adsOEORDDonAfterInsert(self, result):
        """After updating, if the item is "A1-103/0", insert a new line."""

        # Check if the item matches
        if self.adsOEORDD.get("ITEM") == "A1-103/0":

            # Generate a new record in the view
            rc = self.adsOEORDD.recordClear()
            rg = self.adsOEORDD.recordGenerate()

            if rc != 0 or rg != 0:
                showMessageBox("Failed to generate new line.")

            # Populate the record
            pi = self.adsOEORDD.put("ITEM", "A1-105/0")
            pq = self.adsOEORDD.put("QTYORDERED", 1)

            if pi != 0 or pq != 0:
                showMessageBox("Failed to put values in new line.")

            # Save the record
            sv = self.adsOEORDD.insert()

            if sv != 0:
                showMessageBox("Failed to save new line.")

        return None

def main(*args, **kwargs):
    ui = OeAddLineUI()

And there you have it. A view script that does exactly what we need. Are there any improvements to be had?

Add Parameters

What if the customer wants to change the items? Instead of “A1-103/0” triggering they may want “A1-900/G” to be the trigger. What if they wanted to add a quantity of 5 instead of 1? At present, they’d need to change the script because the items and quantity are hard coded.

View scripts support up to 4 user provided parameters of up to 250 characters, so 1000 characters of arguments to play with. They are exposed by accpac as Parameter1, Parameter2, Parameter3, Parameter4.

Unfortunately, screens scripts do not allow user provided parameters. We will see another solution later, when we add custom tables.


Screen scripts must follow a specific naming convention and have a particular structure. The Roto ID of the screen being customized must be present in one of the first two . delineated parts of the filename:

  • good
  • good
  • bad

The file must also start with a single line comment that includes the Roto ID:

# OE1100
# ... The rest of my script.

With the file named correctly and the comment in place, time for testing. Fire up your favourite database and install the script in the Extender -> Setup -> Scripts screen.

There is no need to configure screen scripts, if they are installed whey will be loaded when the screen is loaded. It is best to restart the Sage desktop after installing but before testing your customization.